When we choose Jesus Christ with our whole heart, Stewardship is not an option.
One of the final blessings we hear at Mass tells us to "become what we have received;" that is, The Body of Christ.
We are His hands and His feet on earth. We keep this in mind as we build our faith community by sharing the gifts that God has given us. We perform acts of faith, hope and love, not for our own sakes, but for the glory of God as we do the work He has given us.
+ We build community primarily by participating in the Liturgy (Mass) and receiving the Eucharist. We actively support pro-life efforts.We reach out to the homebound, the needy, the disabled and those suffering grief and loneliness through parish outreach ministries.
If you would like to learn more about participating in Mass ministries and outreach efforts, please contact the parish office at hibbingcatholic@hotmail.com.
+ And we share faith and friendship in parish activities like coffee socials, pancake breakfasts, Lenten soup suppers, the Parish bazaar, the performance of The Witness, the Thanksgiving community dinner, holiday food baskets. Our parish stewardship committee has helped shape some ways in which we can share our gifts of time and talent in organizing activities