"Baptism is birth into the new life in Christ... The fruit of baptism is a rich reality that includes forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins.... (It imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual sign, the character, which consecrates the baptized person for Christian worship."
ccc 1277,1279, 1280
The sacrament of Baptism is administered at 11:30 am on the first and fourth Sundays of each month at Blessed Sacrament Church. Parents having their child baptized must meet with the priest before their child is baptized.
Call the Parish Center (218-262-5541) preferably 1 month in advance, to make arrangements.
Adults who have not been baptized and who wish to enter the Catholic Church should call the Parish Center to speak with a priest.
EACH GODPARENT must complete an information form before the baptism. Godparent Form