Finance Council Members: Lynn Kilibarda, Acting Chair; Richard Milani, Secretary; Jim Dropp, Trustee; Bill Manney Jr., Trustee; Fr. Daniel Weiske, Pastor; Fr. Trevor Peterson, Associate Pastor; Susie Marchetti, Business Manager; Shannon Plombon; Andy Selvo; Scott Mescher;
Parish Council Members: Melissa Milkovich; Christie Kearney; Annie Krohn; Aaron Steinbrecher; Todd Bigelow; David Flannery; Elaine Lee; Nancy Hyduke; Sherri Marinucci; Rob Besemann; Stephanie Rancourt
We are accepting nominations for our Parish & Finance Councils. A Confirmed Catholic and a registered Member of the parish in good standing is eligible for nomination. You may nominate yourself or send in a name of another member of the parish who possesses the necessary qualifications.
What is the Parish Council? The Parish Council is a community of the faithful in a parish who help the pastor to ensure the needs of the parish are addressed and that the members of the parish are given the opportunity to use their gifts for the common good of all. The council helps to research and evaluate, develop and improve our pastoral activities. They are an invaluable advisory body to the pastor.
What is the Finance Council? The Finance Council, over which the Pastor presides, is a group of Christian faithful in the parish who provide resources of knowledge and expertise on financial matters. The council is established in order to assist the pastor in the temporal administration of the parish goods. The members assist the pastor in administration of the goods of the parish helping provide a chart of accounts, prepare annual budget and financial reports, advice on investment policies, offer long-range financial planning, evaluate status and condition of the parish properties. The salvation of souls is the highest law and the administration of the goods of the Church is to further that mission. The finance council is a voting body on financial decisions in the parish.
Thank you for your consideration. Please send in or call in your nominations to Fr. Gabriel Waweru at the parish office 218-262-5541.