Anointing of the Sick
The Anointing of the Sick is one of the sacraments of healing (along with the sacrament of reconciliation). Once thought to be reserved only for those nearing death, Anointing of the Sick is extended to all who are experiencing grave or chronic illness, the debilitating effects age can have on our bodies, and, of course, to those in danger of dying. In this sacrament, we pray for healing, and more. As Christ prayed so fervently in the Garden, "May this cup pass from me....but not my will but Yours," we ask for the graces necessary to bear our illnesses and trials, and to join them to the suffering of Christ on the Cross.
This sacrament is administered by a priest or a bishop. Since the sacrament of confession is also involved (when possible), and forgiveness of sins is bestowed, ONLY an ordained priest or bishop is able to fulfill the duties of the sacrament in the person of Christ.
If you or a loved one are facing a health crisis, please do not hesitate to contact a priest. (This sacrament can be received more than once.) You can call the parish center at 218-262-5541 or, after hours, the rectory: 218-263-3681.